Friday, November 11, 2005

Punch-Drunk Love DVD

Punch-Drunk Love DVD

For sale $10 or best offer!


Punch-Drunk Love Posted by Picasa


Blogger Sportsbook said...

Paul Thomas Anderson’s decision to cast comic Adam Sandler in the lead role of his new film Punch-Drunk Love combined with the film’s ninety minute runtime and superficially lighter subject matter make it seem a deliberate attempt by the director to distance himself from the cries of excess that greeted the release of his last film, the magnificent Magnolia. If distance from Magnolia was Anderson's goal, he’s failed on many levels. Much to my surprise, the two films share many of the same elements, such as the incessant, effectively repetitive, clanging Jon Brion score, the occasional elegant tracking shot that does wonders in convincing the viewer that the movie takes place in an actual environment, a highly pitched sense of emotional intensity, and the feeling that just about anything could wander into the frame next. Beyond that, though, Punch-Drunk Love is by any definition an unusual, almost indefinable movie: it’s probably the oddest that will come out of Hollywood this year. I doubt any amount of description could quite prepare a viewer for it, because there’s been nothing before that’s quite like it. Think of a fusion of a violent, razor’s edge (but not black) comedy like Demme’s Something Wild or Scorsese’s After Hours and a Jacque Tati film like Mon Oncle and you might come close to approximating the sophisticated humor that the film packs. It isn’t much interested earning our laughs in any conformist way. When Sandler’s character Barry Egan tells his girlfriend Lena (Emily Watson) a conventional joke at a restaurant, Anderson cuts to it only in time to hear the punch line, so we know that a joke was told, but effectively cutting all humor from such a straightforward opportunity for a gag (which makes it feel a bit odd on those rare occasions when it does go for one). It's almost as if the director is reassuring the audience that he's not after typical jests, just in case we were doubting his intentions. Quite fortunately for those, like myself, who are rabid fans of the director, this brilliant film contains plenty sportsbook of laughs elsewhere. It’s so startlingly packed with visual invention, technical bravura, and desperate pathos that its brief running time speeds by almost too quickly.

10:47 AM  

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